Derbyshire NHS Trust’s annual public accountability meeting - Open to all online
DCHS Glasses Claim Authorisation Form
Glasses Claim Authorisation
PGN8 Writing a Specification
DCHS tender process
DCHS management of in-patients with Diarrhoea or suspected Clostridioides difficile (Cdiff) 2022 poster1.pdf
Latest weekly DCHS update - Leadership development.pdf
A1 - Definitions and an Explanation of Terms Used (P10)
APPENDIX 2 Statutory Paternity Pay and Leave Becoming a Parent (SC3).docx
DCHS licence
Homely Remedies SOP (S16)
Under normal circumstances, medicines should be administered either on the written prescription of an authorised prescriber, in accordance with the Medicines Code or under the authority of a Patient Group Direction. The Medication Optimisation Safety Team (MOST) has approved a list of non-prescription medicines or “homely remedies” that registered nurses and registered practitioners are authorised to administer at their own discretion, in accordance with the attached standard operating procedure, for a maximum of 48 hours (extended to 72 hours over a bank holiday weekend). The homely remedies approved are treatments commonly available over the counter for minor, short-term conditions without the need for a prescription or Patient Group Direction.