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A1 - Definitions and an Explanation of Terms Used (P10)

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A2 - Stop And Watch

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Uniform and Dress Code Policy (P3)

Staff working within Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) NHS Foundation Trust are required to adhere to a safe, hygienic and appropriate uniform and dress code policy. Therefore the purpose of this policy is to clarify the standards that staff are required to comply with. DCHS recognises the importance of appearance and attire in providing a professional image when working with clients and representing the Trust. All staff working clinically or visiting a clinical area have a responsibility for safeguarding patients in respect of reducing hospital acquired infections, therefore all clinical staff should adhere to the best practice guidelines as set by the Department of Health’s Best Practice Guidelines found in Uniforms and Work Wear DOH March 2010, An Evidence Base for Developing a Local Policy (DH)

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1195 - Blood Transfusion Pathway – Stepping Hill Hospital


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SOP for the supply or issue of Steroid Emergency Cards (S87)

Identify / supply to patients who require a Steroid Emergency card in the Community Hospitals setting, Urgent Treatment Centres, Podiatric Surgery, Integrated Community teams and specialist services such as Respiratory teams and Physiotherapy if a new Steroid Emergency card is needed or a Steroid Emergency Card has been lost

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Appendix 6 - Local Leg Ulcer Pathway (Seamless Care) (P66).docx

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DCHS Glasses Claim Authorisation Form

Glasses Claim Authorisation

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Lets not get stuck on it - email signature

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Patient under Barrier Precautions Poster.docx