Plans approved for the development of Belper health services
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Newholme Health Centre named as popular choice for new health facilities
Disclosure Ref 2022108 - Digital communications with patients.pdf
FOI Disclosure
APPENDIX 4 Application for Adoption Leave and Pay Form.docx
Organisational strategy - Bitesize slides - Focus on the Future
Organisational strategy - Bitesize slides - Focus on the Future
Managing NICE Guidance on AMaT.pdf
SOP for Staff Notebooks and the non-use of paper diaries.pdf
DCHS STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR STAFF Notebooks and the non-use of paper diaries
DCHS Payroll at a glance (1).docx
HR23 Formal Notification of Return Date from Adoption Leave.doc
Be ALERT a Needlestick hurts - email signature
Disclosure Ref 2022103 - Interpretation services provided & cost.pdf
FOI Disclosure