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Industrial Action Update - Issued on 16 January 2023

Ahead of this week’s planned industrial action by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), we’ve developed an in-depth briefing which we hope colleagues will find useful. It also signposts to other helpful sources of information.


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FINAL Staff survey update division 26 November 2021 (002).pdf

Final infographic pdf

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Urgent Community Response Clinical Lead Role Statement (002).doc

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Disclosure Ref 202251 - Sleeping Pills given, age of patient and cost of pills.pdf

FOI disclosure

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GD20 Employment References.docx

Peter McCarthy suite wording removed as ER team no longer based there. Dignity at Work wording changed to Bullying and Harrassment as per new policy, any mention of fait treatment at work wording changed to Grievance. Vivup replaced with Cic counselling support.

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A5 - Receiving a Blood transfusion Patient Leaflet (P25)

Receiving a Blood transfusion Patient Leaflet

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Guidance Checklist to Support Clinicians in determining Fast Track Eligibility (G258)

This guidance has been developed to assist Clinicians to determine whether it is appropriate to complete the Fast Track - Continuing Healthcare Application. The intention of the Fast Track Pathway is that it should identify individuals who need to access NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) quickly, with minimum delay, and with no requirement to complete a CHC Decision Support Tool (DST). Therefore, the completed Fast Track Pathway Tool, with clear reasons why the individual fulfils the criteria, and which clearly evidences that an individual is both rapidly deteriorating and approaching the end of life.

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Disclosure Ref 2022127 - BI & Data Warehousing, E-rostering, Order Communications, Pathology, Pharmacy, & Scheduling.pdf

Response to FOI

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Disclosure Ref 2022109 - Strategies & reports including the operational plan 2022.pdf

FOI Disclosure

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Cardiac Rehab Service SOP (S109)

This SOP was drawn up to confirm and clarify the operating procedure for the community cardiac rehabilitation service (CR) This document sets out the standards which, in the view of the patient and professional organisations involved, are required of services to deliver a high-quality community cardiac rehabilitation service for people with cardiovascular disease (CVD) Cardiac rehabilitation is a comprehensive secondary prevention programme of exercise and education aimed at people who have had a cardiac event, cardiac surgery, and heart failure. Research has demonstrated that it helps reduce mortality and morbidity “The evidence base that supports the merits of comprehensive CR is robust and consistently demonstrates a favourable impact on cardiovascular mortality and hospital re-admissions in patients with coronary heart disease” (Anderson et al 2016). The community cardiac rehabilitation service was developed in response to a growing need for more cardiac rehabilitation programmes for a wider range of cardiac conditions which were unable to be accommodated in the acute hospital programmes and to offer a menu of options for delivery of programmes closer to the patient’s own home.