#NHS75 – we need your help
Armed Forces Community Staff Network
Supporting DCHS in the delivery of the Armed Forces Covenant Commitments
Virtual ward helps Derbyshire patients stay at home for Christmas and New Year
Family invitation to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in Derbyshire
Section 17 Leave Policy Mental Health Act 1983 (P12)
P12 DCHS Section 17 Leave Policy Mental Health Act 1983. This Policy has been developed to assist and support staff in managing patients who are eligible for appropriate leave of absence from hospital in line and with reference to the Mental Health Act 1983 and the Mental Health Act (MHA) Code of Practice (CoP) (2015)
North Derbyshire OPAT (Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy) Pathway for Primary Care (Step-Up Pathway/Admission Avoidance) (G198)
OPAT services provide intravenous (IV) antibiotics to patients outside of the acute hospital inpatient setting. Patients who are otherwise medically fit, and who would otherwise require a hospital bed, can avoid admission to hospital, or be discharged sooner by receiving treatment either as an outpatient or within their own homes. In North Derbyshire, this is achieved by Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation Trust (CRHFT) working in partnership with Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) Rapid Response Team (RRT).
Oral Suction Guidelines for Carers (G185)
These guidelines are aimed at providing Carers who are undertaking Oral suction with the information to undertake this safely.
L232 - Travelling with Lung Conditions
L232 - Travelling with Lung Conditions. A Respiratory Service patient information leaflet.
Post Registration Transition Programme for Newly Qualified Specialist Practice District Nurses Procedure (S53)
The aim of this document is to set out the processes that DCHS uses to support and develop Newly Qualified Specialist Practice District Nurses (NQDN) in their first year of employment. This is a process of support and guidance offered, on completion of the 1 year post reg. MSc/BSC SPQ during the first 12 months of employment as a band 6 Community Nursing caseload holder.
UTC Acute Wound Care Formulary (G99)
A comprehensive evidence‐based approach to acute wound management is an essential skill set for any Emergency Clinician or Urgent Care Practitioner and this adapted version of the DCHS wound care formulary has been devised to help facilitate this. The Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) acute wound care formulary is designed to provide Clinicians with a comprehensive guide to wound dressing products and closure within this speciality. These products were originally selected using the Derbyshire Community Dressing Formulary and Wound Care Guidelines 2018 in version 1 and have been updated in conjunction with the updated version of this for 2022 and the East Midlands Tissue Viability Group
Missing Patient Procedure Including Section 18 Concern for Safety and Welfare (S23)
This procedure has been developed to inform hospital staff what action to take when a detained patient is absent without leave from the hospital where they are liable to be detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. Guidance when an informal patient’s whereabouts is unknown and this includes patients that may be missing from other in-patient areas. The procedure aims to provide a consistent and easy to follow approach thus supporting the staff and protecting some of our most at risk and vulnerable patients.
Learning from Death’s Policy (P72)
This policy confirms the process to ensure a multi-disciplinary, consistent and coordinated approach for the review of deaths that occur in all DCHS in-patient and community team caseloads. The aim of the learning from deaths process is to identify any areas of practice both specific to the individual case and beyond that could potentially be improved, based upon peer group review. Areas of good practice are also identified and supported. To describe in detail the three-stage mortality review process within the Trust, detailing how reviews should be completed, by whom and when to ensure that learning from deaths is made a Trust priority and leads to developments and improvements in patient care.
DCHS_Supervision online record system User Guide V2
DCHS Clinical supervision (reflection on practice) online system guide; includes information on how to access the site, navigate, and record supervision sessions.
RipleyButterleyWardMovingBack Press Release FINAL11.3.22
Ripley Butterley Ward Moving Back Press Release - plans have been announced to bring Butterley Ward back to Ripley Hospital from its temporary base at Ilkeston Community Hospital after Easter, during the final week of April.