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The Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) Did Not Wait, Left Without Being Seen SOP (S144)

The SOP defines what staff should do when a patient or parents/carers with a child leave the unit after being booked in, but prior to being assessed, or who leave the department before finishing treatment.

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SAMA Template 16 Review outcome formal

Template 16 Review outcome formal process letter

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SAMA Template 33 Death in service checklist

Template 33 Death In Service Checklist

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Undertaking a trial without catheter in a community setting Guideline and protocol (G93)

A trial without catheter (TWOC) is an essential part of the community nurse role. This routine procedure supports patients to remain within their own homes to receive health care. The Royal Marsden Manual Online of Clinical Nursing Procedures (2018) offers nursing guidance for urinary catheter removal but does not provide guidance for staff on how to undertake a TWOC safely at home or in a community hospital. This Guideline and protocol aims to provide evidence based recommendations to enable a trial without catheter to be undertaken in a community hospital or patients own home by a qualified competent practitioner.

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Standard Operating Procedure for DCHS Wound Clinics (S68)

Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS) Integrated Community Services (ICS) provides a Wound Care service in clinics across Derbyshire for non-housebound patients. The service continues to evolve in response to evidence-based practice and patient need. The service actively promotes supported care, enabling patients to manage their own wounds, offering wound assessments and reviews via a range of mediums including face to face, telephone or video consultations. These approaches facilitate a more flexible service, support improved access to care and reduce the need for patients to travel to clinics if it is not necessary. The DCHS Wound Clinic Standard Operating Procedure has been developed to support the management of the clinics and the processes that should be adopted to facilitate the safe and effective management of patient care. This procedure will support the consistent management of patient care.

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Administration of Methylprednisolone Acetate Injection SOP for Podiatrists (Depo-Medrone +- Lidocaine) (S93)

Guidance on the appropriate and safe administration of the corticosteroid injections exempted under podiatry POM-A

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Standard Operating Procedure for Waiting List Validation (S108)

The purpose of this SOP is to set out the waiting list validation stages and process for staff and managers with services that have waiting lists. Across Planned Care and Specialist Services (PCSS) there are patients on waiting lists. To support the management of these waiting lists it is important to regularly validate those patients who are waiting to be offered an appointment. Services with waiting lists should consider the appropriateness and frequency of undertaking the three stages of waiting list validation, these being: technical, administrative, and clinical.

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Appendix 1 - Patient Video Consultation Connection (S82)

Patient Video Consultation Connection

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APPENDIX 6 - Disciplinary Investigation - Terms of Reference.docx

HRP24 Appendix 6 - Disciplinary Investigation – Terms of Reference

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SAMA Template 17 Final review meeting invite

Template 17 Final Review Meeting Invite Letter