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Flu – make your informed CHOICE

All the information about this year's flu vaccination programme, Covid booster jabs and winter wellbeing found here!


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Disclosure Ref 202507 - Policies regarding mental health 1 of 3.pdf

Disclosure to freedom of information request regarding adaptations of restraint-related policies, or procedures, for people with learning disabilities, e.g. easy read guidance. We are particularly interested in sourcing good practice in how people with learning disabilities are supported when they come into NHS mental health units.

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Mental Health Act 1983 Procedure for Associate Hospital Managers Hearings Policy and Procedure (P78)

To provide guidance to Trust staff when considering the use of urgent treatment to patients detained in hospital under the MHA 1983, or subject to a Community Treatment Order.

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Physical Health Care For People With Mental Health And Learning Disabilities Guidelines (G15)

This guidance aims to set out the standard of physical health monitoring for those patients within both the older person’s mental health and learning disability inpatient units. It provides guidance about physical health care interventions that are provided within the Trust and those requiring advice or intervention from other services. Good physical health underpins the overall well-being of our patients and supports a holistic approach to care delivery, which includes the identification and appropriate management of physical health needs. In relation to those service users attending specialist OPMH day Services or specialist LD outpatients, the responsibility for the patient’s physical, health care will remain with their General Practitioner. Where there are any identified physical health findings or concerns noted whilst the patient is attending the service, their General Practitioner must be notified.

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Guidelines for the Recognition and Management of Infected Wounds (G29)

A framework to enable health care practitioners to deliver best practice in wound care, specifically by providing a tool to be utilised to aid the recognition and management of infected wounds

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Disconnection of Continuous Infusional Chemotherapy from a Central Venous Access Device (CVAD) in the Community SOP (S65)

The aim of this SOP is to provide guidance for staff in the clinical procedure of the disconnection of continuous infusion chemotherapy from a CVAD within a DCHS setting across adult services. This SOP is intended to reduce the level of risks associated with this procedure.

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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Resuscitation Training Policy (P41)

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) has a uniform and systematic approach to basic life support and a workforce that is competent in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, thereby improving patient outcomes following cardiac arrest.

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Guidelines and Staff Support for The Management of Nail Surgery Procedures (G216)

The purpose of this document is to provide practical, evidence-based parameters for podiatrists and podiatry assistants involved in the provision of minor surgical procedures for the Trust

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Equality Diversity and Inclusion (PSED) Report 2022

Public Sector Equality Equality Duty (PSED) Report 2022

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GD20 Employment References.docx

Peter McCarthy suite wording removed as ER team no longer based there. Dignity at Work wording changed to Bullying and Harrassment as per new policy, any mention of fait treatment at work wording changed to Grievance. Vivup replaced with Cic counselling support.

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Conservative Sharp Debridement (CSD) of Wounds Policy (P99)

We know that wound dressings should provide the optimal environment for wound healing after careful clinical assessment of the wound, the patient clinical condition and clinical outcomes. Hard to heal wounds, however, fail to progress, and many can be seen with dead tissue, slough and necrosis which in turn can increase the risk of infection and also increase cost within appropriate dressing use and nursing time. This procedure will only be undertaken by the Tissue Viability team members who have successfully completed a validated programme of care and assessment of competence in practice. A minimum of 10 episodes of observed practice is to be completed until competency can be granted. The purpose of debridement describes any method by which such materials (necrosis, slough and dead de-vascularised tissue) are removed and consequently the potential to achieve wound healing enhanced. It also reduces the bacterial load and minimises the risk of local and systemic infection. It can allow for wound draining and reduce odour overall enhancing patient quality of life.