Infant Feeding Practitioner Standard Operating Procedure (S123)
This SOP gives an overview of the service provided by Infant Feeding Specialists. It also supports a commitment to ensure evidence based tools and training are embedded within practice, supporting the local commissioning for outcomes recommendations, and offering assurance that the service is focused on personalised and needs based care. This SOP should be used in conjunction with other DCHS Childrens and DCHS Trust policies along with UNICEF Baby Friendly standards.
Short Break Service SOP (S137)
This SOP aims to outline the process for providing clear guidance to medication support and assistance, delegation to the support workers/support worker supervisors and what training they need to complete for them to be able to support the patients in the service.
Delivering Same Sex Accommodation (P64)
Every patient has the right to receive high quality care that is safe, effective and respects their Privacy and Dignity. There are no exemptions from the need to provide high standards of privacy and dignity and this applies to all areas, including when admission is unplanned. This is one of the guiding principles of the NHS Constitution (2009) and at the core of local NHS visions. Derbyshire Community Health Trust ( DCHS) aim is that all patients who are admitted to any of our hospitals will only share the room where they sleep with members of the same sex, and same sex toilets and bathrooms will be close to their bed area. Sharing with members of the opposite sex should only happen by exception based on clinical need (for example where patients need specialist equipment), or when patients choose to share (for instance married couple who have been admitted together may want to share a side room). This Policy contributes to the achievement of CQC Outcome 4 – The patient will receive care, treatment and support in single sex accommodation wherever it is available. The aim is to ensure a clear and consistent approach is adopted across DCHS community hospitals by all ward managers.
The Use of Force, Restraint Reduction and the Management of Violence and Aggression (P58)
The policy provides a framework for support staff who work across Learning Disability Services (LD) and Older Peoples Mental Health Services (OPMH), in responding to situations that they face with regards to Behaviours that Challenge and in particular, violence and aggression (both where they can plan and where an incident in unforeseen).
L223 - Managing Breathlessness Leaflet
L223 - Managing Breathlessness. A Respiratory Service patient information leaflet leaflet.
Guidelines for Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment - Adapted Waterlow Score (G89)
The purpose of this Standard Operation Procedure is to set out the process to be followed to ensure a consistent approach is followed for the assessment of patient’s risks of developing pressure ulcers.
Identification and Treatment of Different Types of Moisture Lesions (G179)
A moisture lesion is most commonly associated with either incontinence or sweating between skin folds. If left untreated then skin is more at risk of pressure ulcer development. It is important to establish the cause of the moisture lesion in order to treat it correctly.
Postural Care Guidelines for people with Complex Physical Disability (G182)
The purpose of this document is to guide good practice and standardise Postural Care for people aged 18 years and over who are registered with a North Derbyshire GP and to; • Deliver safe, person-centred, evidence- based and equitable service to people with complex physical and learning disabilities • Improve the health and well-being of people with learning disability and complex physical disability • Maintain and reduce risk of deterioration in health associated with complex physical disability • Clarify roles and responsibilities
DCHS Safeguarding Supervision Policy (P15)
Safeguarding supervision is recognised by DCHS FT as an important element within clinical supervision and the safety culture. In addition to an individual’s knowledge, skills, experience and training, effective safeguarding practice relies on a professional’s curiosity and vigilance. Safeguarding supervision provides an opportunity to both sustain and foster these qualities and ensure staff are updated on current safeguarding issues, legislation and outcomes of recent Child Practice Reviews (CPR), Serious Incident Learning Reviews (SILR), Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR), and Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR). This policy covers both Adult and Children
Intravenous Therapy and Vascular Access Device (VAD) Policy - Adults (P47)
The use of intravenous medicines has many healthcare benefits for patients. Intravenous medicines are increasingly commonplace within the community setting and the need for an intravenous medicine is often a reason for patient’s being admitted to secondary care. Following the implementation of national and local policy, there is a new direction for community care providers such as DCHS to develop services that can be provided within the community hospital or community setting to accommodate patient’s being able to receive more complex care. The aims of this policy are: To prevent unnecessary acute hospital admission and to facilitate early discharge from the acute hospital setting by enabling patients to receive IV medicines safely within their own home or a community health care setting. To ensure an IV medicine is the most appropriate treatment for the patient and that it is administered via the most appropriate Vascular Access Device, the most appropriate vascular access site is chosen and the IV medicine is administered at the right time. To reduce the risk of complications by ensuring registered practitioners’ practice safely and consistently in relation to the administration of IV medicines, Vascular Access Device Insertion and the care and maintenance of Vascular Access Devices (VADs), through the implementation of evidence-based practice and by providing staff with the necessary guidance on clinical practice and training. To preserve and promote patient vessel health in the short and long term by ensuring any Vascular Access Device inserted is the most appropriate device for the treatment being administered and that it is placed by the most appropriately qualified practitioner.