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Internal fixation irritation (L16)

Internal fixation irritation

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The Safe Preparation and Administration of Intravenous (IV) Medicines at Home (An Elastomeric Infusor) (G231)

G231 - The Safe Preparation and Administration of Intravenous (IV) Medicines at Home (An Elastomeric Infusor)

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Hand-arm Vibration at Work Operating Standards (HAVS)

Hand-arm Vibration at Work Operating Standards (HAVS)

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Conservative Sharp Debridement (CSD) of Wounds Policy (P99)

We know that wound dressings should provide the optimal environment for wound healing after careful clinical assessment of the wound, the patient clinical condition and clinical outcomes. Hard to heal wounds, however, fail to progress, and many can be seen with dead tissue, slough and necrosis which in turn can increase the risk of infection and also increase cost within appropriate dressing use and nursing time. This procedure will only be undertaken by the Tissue Viability team members who have successfully completed a validated programme of care and assessment of competence in practice. A minimum of 10 episodes of observed practice is to be completed until competency can be granted. The purpose of debridement describes any method by which such materials (necrosis, slough and dead de-vascularised tissue) are removed and consequently the potential to achieve wound healing enhanced. It also reduces the bacterial load and minimises the risk of local and systemic infection. It can allow for wound draining and reduce odour overall enhancing patient quality of life.

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Covid-19 Staff Testing and Isolation Guidance V16

Covid-19 Staff Testing and Isolation Guidance V16

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Eating and Drinking before you refer June 22

Eating and Drinking before you refer

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DCHS WRES Data Report 2022.pdf

DCHS WRES Data Report 2022

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Information Governance - Newsletter Feb 2023.docx

Information Governance Newsletter February 2023

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L295 - The Walton Unit - Information About Your Discharge From Hospital

Patient Leaflet for those being discharged from the Walton Unit.

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Register of Board Declarations 2023.24

Register of Board Declarations 2023.24