Rainbow lanyard awareness posters
A behind-the-scenes peep at progress on Bakewell’s new Newholme Health Centre, June 2024
My Download - 18 January 2022
Apologies for missing last week - we are very depleted in numbers in Comms and had to make some difficult decisions about priorities - last week media enquiries, the web, Operational Update and Team Brief made the list! Lots to share this week .... including how to access the new web, details about the mileage consultation, an update on the Belper plans and so much more!
Blood Transfusion Policy (P25)
This Policy and associated pathway have been developed and reviewed to ensure the safe practice relating to the transfusion of blood and blood components. The Policy is based on recommendations laid down by the British Task Force under the auspices of the British Standards for Haematology and other published guidelines, including the NPSA Notice ‘Right Blood, Right Patient’ November 2006.
Staff Forum Agenda October 2021.pdf
Appendix 3 - How can you stop yourself from touching your face masks?
How can you stop yourself from touching your face masks? Section5.28 Covid 19 IP& C Policy
DCHS Declaraton - Public Bolsolver.pdf
A4 - Monitoring and Audit (P10)
Back to Basics – Uniform (L344)
Staff Forum OverviewActions October 2021.pdf
temporary staffing E-rostering - sending shifts to bank.pdf
Overcoming communication difficulties for staff, patients and visitors during COVID-19
Overcoming communication difficulties for staff, patients and visitors during COVID-19