Clay Cross Hospital
Baby Loss Awareness Week
DCHS proud to be Veteran Aware accredited
2023 Multi-Faith Tours in Derby
WBC Information Sheet JUCD
WBC Information Sheet JUCD
0204 - ISHS Virology Service Prescription for Outpatient Supply from CRHFT
0204 - ISHS Virology Service Prescription for Outpatient Supply from CRHFT
A1a - Administration guide for SPOA (P91)
A1a - Administration guide for SPOA
Select Task Template
Select Task Template
HRP37 Managing Allegations Against Staff PiPoT Policy - Appendix 4 - A Just Culture Guide
HRP37 Managing Allegations Against Staff PiPoT Policy - Appendix 4 - A Just Culture Guide
NMP Prescribing Supervision Template (A4 P57)
NMP Prescribing Supervision Template
INR Testing procedure within Derbyshire Community Health Services by Podiatry Surgery at Ilkeston and Buxton Hospitals (S128)
Only podiatric surgery with the relevant equipment, training and framework in place will be able to utilise this procedure. This clinical procedure will support clinical staff in practice to include arrangements with regards the procedure of the taking of the INR test, quality assurance /quality control, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) assessment, Infection control measures, and any relevant Health and Safety issues. In line with recommendations within the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Device Bulletin “Management and use of In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Point of Care Test Devices DB 2010(02) February 2010
A1 - Observational Audit - protected meal times (G50)
Observational Audit - protected meal times
Waste Management Operating Standards.docx
DCHS Waste Management Operating Standards