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A5 – Referral back to podiatrist by podiatry assistant (S107)

Referral back to podiatrist by podiatry assistant

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SAMA Template 11 Wellbeing meeting invite

Template 11 Wellbeing Meeting Invite

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Template 26 SAMA Final review meeting record

Template 26 Final Review Meeting Record

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Near Patient Testing Standard Operating Procedure (S59)

S59 - Near Patient Testing Standard Operating Procedure

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Self Administration of Medicines Procedure (S28)

The aim of this procedure is to advise ward staff in the community hospitals of the process to be taken in supporting appropriate patients to self-administer their own medicines whilst an inpatient in a DCHS hospital.

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Standard Operating Procedures for The Community Diabetes Specialist Nursing Team (S86)

Recommended practices that were evidence based and would provide guidance to all members of staff treating patients with Diabetes. This SOP should help to streamline care for patients with Diabetes and allow further integration with the acute team.

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0-5 Derbyshire Family Health Service Information and Advice Line Clinical SOP (S112)

The aim of the SOP is to ensure that all staff that work clinically in the Derbyshire Family Health Service Information and Advice Line have consistent process’ and pathways to support consistent care for the population of Derbyshire and partner agencies that access the 0-19 service.

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A1 - Hovermatt Brochure (S78)

Hovermatt Brochure

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A6 – Competency framework for podiatry assistants – wound care (S107)

Competency framework for podiatry assistants – wound care

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DCHS Clinical strategy on a page/summary