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SAMA Template 01 File Note

Template 01 - File note

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SAMA Template 17a Pre Final review meeting invite

Template 17a Pre Final Review Meeting invite letter

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SAMA Template 34 Disability Leave Request Form

Template 34 Disability Leave Request Form

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Post Registration Transition Programme for Newly Qualified Specialist Practice District Nurses Procedure (S53)

The aim of this document is to set out the processes that DCHS uses to support and develop Newly Qualified Specialist Practice District Nurses (NQDN) in their first year of employment. This is a process of support and guidance offered, on completion of the 1 year post reg. MSc/BSC SPQ during the first 12 months of employment as a band 6 Community Nursing caseload holder.

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Administration of Insulin Injection Policy and Standard Operating Procedure (P4)

There are a growing number of people who, because of disability, increasing age or infirmity, are unable to administer their own insulin and will need support. This guideline aims to promote standardisation and safety of insulin administration within Derbyshire Community Health Services (DCHS NHS FT). This document aligns with the Professional Guidance on the Administration of Medicines in Healthcare Settings (Royal Pharmaceutical Society 2019). Patient centred care based upon different ways of working underpins this policy and procedure as identified within the NHS Plan (DH 2000), the NSF for Older People (DH 2001), Making a Difference (DH 2001) and the NSF for Diabetes (DH 2002). UK Injection technique Recommendations have been considered alongside the need to consider safer sharps for staff (Forum for Injection Technique 2016). Underpinning the guidance are the most recent NICE and Derbyshire guidance for the management of diabetes (Joint Area Prescribing Committee 2018 NICE 2015) and National Patient Safety Alert (NPSA), ‘Risk of severe harm and death due to withdrawing insulin from pen devices,’ 16 November 2016.

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SOP For use of HoverMatt and HoverJack for lateral transfers by community staff (S78)

This standard operating procedure sets out the process by which clinicians working within Community Services access and use the HoverMatt & HoverJack for lateral transfer of patients in a community setting.

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Risk Management Strategy

DCHS Risk Management Strategy

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Standard Operating Procedures for The Community Respiratory Service (S88)

This document sets out the standards which, in the view of the patient and professional organisations involved, are required of services in order to deliver high quality respiratory service for people with chronic respiratory conditions including supporting routine follow-up for patients discharged from hospital by request of chest physician following an acute admission.

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Appendix 5 - Laminate Notice of AGP Having Taken Place

Appendix 5 - AGP has taken place notice - for laminating, Section 5.28 Covid IP&C Policy

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APPENDIX 8 - Investigation meeting Invite.docx

HRP24 Appendix 8 - Investigation meeting invite