Babington Hospital
Babington Hospital offers the following DCHS services: community therapy, physiotherapy and children's services.
NHS Help Us, Help You campaign to help people get NHS advice quickly
NHS Help Us, Help You campaign to help people get NHS advice quickly
End of Life - Directory of Services
Information hub for all clinicians, carers and family members, signposting to end of life support and resources available throughout Derbyshire.
DCHS SIM-swap project – important information for laptop users
DCHS SIM-swap project - 5 weeks to swap out over 2,500 laptops. Mostly laptops that are used by mobile workers (ie clinicians that go in to patients homes).
8-Musculoskeletal Decision Making Tool Thinking about a Referral - BACK.pdf
MSK Decision Making Tool Thinking About a Referral - Back
Tissue Viability Caseload Management Tool Kit Guidance (G213)
The overall aim of the Guidelines for the Tissue Viability Caseload Management Toolkit is to ensure that Tissue Viability Specialists manage their visits and patient caseloads in a standardised and auditable way across the whole of Tissue Viability Service. The covid19 pandemic has had a profound effect on how care and support for people is provided across all health and care settings thus this guidance has applied the learning from Covid19 to the review and development of the document
Mobile Working Guide Phlebotomy.pdf
Guidance for Phlebotomy staff to use mobile working
Implementing a District Nursing Workload Tool
Implementing a District Nursing Workload Tool
A6 - Changing Water in Balloon Gastrostomy Procedure (P48)
Changing Water in Balloon Gastrostomy Procedure
Renasys Touch Patient Guide.pdf
Renasys Touch Patient Guide
1205 - Control Drugs Authorised Signatory Record Sheet - Designated Practitioners
1205 Control Drugs Authorised Signatory Record Sheet - DESIGNATED PRACTITIONERS
0392 - Initial Contact Form
0392 - Initial Contact Form
OPAT Elastomeric Infusor Devices Standard Operating Procedure for DCHS Community (S38)
This SOP describes the process for administering an IV antibiotic using an elastomeric infusor device supplied via Derby Teaching Hospital Pharmacy Dept (South) or Chesterfield Royal Hospital Pharmacy Dept (North
NHSI National Stop the Pressure Guidance (G100)
G100 - NHSI National Stop the Pressure Guidance