13th June 2022

DCHS Staff Cost of Living Support Fund 

With the support of the DCHS Charitable Trust, we are pleased to be able to offer financial support to colleagues who are struggling to meet the rising cost of living.  The objective of the fund is to act as a last resort for anyone who can demonstrate financial hardship as a result of the rising cost of living and where all other opportunities for support have been exhausted via a referral to the Citizens Advice service. You will find a brief overview of the details of the fund below - you can find more details including an application form here

Who can apply?

The DCHS Staff Cost of Living Support Fund is open to anyone working at DCHS.  Applications can only be made with the support of Citizen’s Advice. You will need to self-refer to the Citizen’s Advice service on 0808 146 7709 who will provide advice and support you to explore all financial opportunities available to you. Where an application to the hardship fund is indicated you will be advised to make an application. 


Grants will be awarded at the following levels:

  • Level One - Up to £100, which will be considered by nominated personnel
  • Level two - £101 - £500, which will be considered by an agreed panel

Applications are limited to one application per person to the Cost of Living Support Fund.

You need to provide a detailed personal statement (typed or written clearly) explaining what your current financial situation is and the reasons why you are applying to the Fund. Additional supporting information must be attached with your application.

Please make sure you read the full guidance & information sheet before submitting an application.

The form can be submitted electronically or via post.

If you are submitting the form via email, please send to - E: dchst.staffsupportfund@nhs.net
If you are submitting the form via post, please mark as “Private and Confidential” and send to:

DCHS Staff Cost of Living Support Fund Applications
Liz Hardy
Brookdale Unit
Ash Green Disability Centre
Ashgate Road
S42 7JE