Freedom to Speak Up Policy
DCHS Freedom to Speak Up Policy - v6 (formerly Raising Concerns). Every NHS organisation has a duty to actively promote a culture of safety and learning in which all staff feel safe to raise concerns. This policy encourages staff to speak up, offers guidance and advice on how to raise concerns and commits to support staff who speak up.
System Access and Audit Procedures - 2016.doc
DCHS System Access and Audit Procedures
Being Open and Duty of Candour Policy (P81)
The purpose of this policy is to set out the arrangements for open and honest communication following an event/incident, complaint or claim in compliance with the Being Open principles and Duty of Candour requirements
Guidance for Visitors
Covid visiting guidance and restrictions on wards and in NHS properties; updated 13 June 2022
DCHS A2B - poster 2022
Aspiring leaders programme - application information
L7 Exostosis Removal (Bony Lump) Exostectomy
L7 Exostosis Removal (Bony Lump) Exostectomy. Podiatric Surgery patient information leaflet.
Fire Safety Policy
DCHS Fire Safety Policy - updated August 2022. This of builds on the Dept of Health & Social Welfare's Fire Safety Policy statement mandated by the Minister of State. It is DCHS's statement of intetnt regarding fire safety.
Research Governance Policy and Research Passport Process
The aim of this policy is to ensure that all research activity which is undertaken by our employees or conducted within our premises conforms to principles of good practice in the management and conduct of health and social care research that take account of legal requirements and other standards as set out in the UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research (November 2017) UK-policy-framework-health-social-care-research
L296 - My Bronchiectasis Action Plan.pdf
Patient leaflet for self management of Bronchiectasis. 'This action plan may help me to manage my respiratory condition/s by separating my symptoms into green, amber and red sections,
6-8 week Review 0-19 Children’s Services Guidelines (G273)
This Best Practice Guidance gives clear guidance on the minimum standard expected of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (Health Visitors) when delivering the 6-8 week review. It outlines the goal and essential components of the 6-8 week review offered to all families in Derbyshire. This document also supports a commitment to ensure evidence based tools and training are embedded within practice, supporting the national commissioning for outcomes recommendations and offering assurance that the service is focused on personalised and needs based care.