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Podiatry - Community Podiatry Service

The community podiatry service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment to a range of patients with lower limb and foot problems, including; - People with long term conditions such as diabetes, vascular disease, amputees, connective tissue disorders, stroke, Parkinson's disease - People with multiple and complex needs e.g. dementia, falls - People with biomechanical problems e.g. gait /postural problems - People requiring wound care to the foot - People requiring nail surgery - People with severe foot and ankle problems and conditions.

Dr Chris Clayton appointed as Chief Executive Designate JUCD

The appointment of Dr Chris Clayton as Chief Executive Designate of the NHS Integrated Care Board for Derby and Derbyshire.


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2021-22 DCHS Quality Account (FINAL SIGNED COPY 150622).pdf

DCHS Quality Account - final signed copy June 2022. This 2021/22 account describes in detail the work we have undertaken during the year to improve the quality of services we provide, to achieve our vision to be the best provider of sustainable local healthcare and be a great place to work. It also describes the continuation of our Quality Improvement journey and the importance we place on being an open, listening and transparent organisation, committed to understanding about and learning from when things go wrong as a vital part of this work.

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Requesting and Managing Pathology Results within DCHS Community Hospital Wards SOP (S98)

The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to outline the steps required to effectively manage the requesting, receiving, filing and actioning of all pathology results by either an electronic process or by a relevant paper-based system. Utilising an electronic system (such as ICE) enables pathology requests to be requested, reviewed and actioned electronically via the electronic patient record within TPP SystmOne. There are an estimated 1.12 billion pathology tests undertaken each year in England (NHS England, 2020) It is imperative a record of all pathology samples is accurately maintained to avoid patient harm and improve patient outcomes (WHO, 2021). The Care Quality Commission (2021) inspects the management of test results to ensure processes are robust, practice is safe and care is effective.

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Completion of agency checks within the 0-19 Children’s Service Guidelines (G249)

The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that health visitors and school nurses clearly understand their roles and responsibilities when they are asked to complete an agency check. This includes ensuring that the relevant consent to share information has been obtained from parents/ those with parental responsibility for the child/ young person ( this should be obtained by social care). The guidance also clearly outlines the process for admin staff to follow to ensure that any requests are sent to the clinical teams and that in turn the clinical teams can respond in a timely manner.

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Standard Operating Procedure for Waiting List Validation (S108)

The purpose of this SOP is to set out the waiting list validation stages and process for staff and managers with services that have waiting lists. Across Planned Care and Specialist Services (PCSS) there are patients on waiting lists. To support the management of these waiting lists it is important to regularly validate those patients who are waiting to be offered an appointment. Services with waiting lists should consider the appropriateness and frequency of undertaking the three stages of waiting list validation, these being: technical, administrative, and clinical.

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Policy For the Use of Sterile Maggot Therapy in Wound Management (P101)

The purpose of this policy is designed to support suitably qualified healthcare professionals in managing wound debridement using maggot (larval) therapy, (which may only be instigated by a Tissue Viability Specialist) and to make sure it is carried out in a safe and clinically effective manner, acceptable to patients and carers. This policy aims to ensure the appropriate use of maggot (larval) therapy within Derbyshire Community Health Service NHS Foundation Trust.

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L286 - Food textures that pose a risk of choking

Food textures that pose a risk of choking leaflet.

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Information Governance newsletter December 2024.docx

Information Governance Newsletter December 2024

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TPP142-0013 - Abbey Pain Scale

TPP142-0013 - Abbey Pain Scale for Patients with Cognitive Impairment

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Information Governance - Newsletter Feb 2023.docx

Information Governance Newsletter February 2023

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Information Governance newsletter April 2024.docx

Information Governance Newsletter April 2024