571 Pages found that matched your search:
677 Files found that matched your search:


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Disclosure Ref 2024158 - Robotic Process Automation.pdf

Freedom of Information disclosure regarding Robotic Process Automation

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RCN Advanced Preparation of Insulin Syringes for Adult Patients to Administer at Home (P4)

RCN Advanced Preparation of Insulin Syringes for Adult Patients to Administer at Home

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Employee_Record_Summary_Template Additonal Guidance Jan 2025.docx

Additional guidance to assist with completing a summary sheet for employee records

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Monitoring Audit Tool - A4 (P109)

Monitoring Audit Tool - A4 (P109)

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HRP22 Preceptorship Policy.docx

DCHS Preceptorship (Multi-Professional) & Transitionary Policy

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TPP544-0037 - Inpatient Falls Multifactorial Risk Assessment

Inpatient Falls Multifactorial Risk Assessment

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L167 - North Derbyshire Community Respiratory Team Patient Information Leaflet

North Derbyshire Community Respiratory Team - Patient Information Leaflet

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Drug Fridge and Freezer Temperature Monitoring Procedure (S48)

A clear standard procedure to assist and enable ward/unit staff to comply with the Medicines Code requirement to routinely monitor, record and act on drug fridge and freezer temperatures thus ensuring that patients receive effective, correctly stored refrigerated products.

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Temperature Monitoring of Medicines Storage Rooms SOP (S74)

Aim of SOP; to reduce risk to patient safety by monitoring exposure of medicines to high temperatures. DCHS accepts that the storage of medicines may exceed 25°C in exceptionally hot weather. However, all staff must follow the actions outlined in this SOP to reduce this risk.

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4-Musculoskeletal Decision Making Tool Thinking about a Referral - HIP.pdf

Decision Making Tool Thinking about a referral - Hip