3rd January 2024

Storm Henk – update and advice

We’ve seen widespread heavy rain together with strong winds this week, with Storm Henk causing havoc across parts of the country. As always in the event of any disruption to services, we must prioritise our most vulnerable/urgent patients and ensure the safety of all staff. Please read and share the following advice:

  • Only travel if it is safe to do so and continue to watch weather and flooding updates. It's always sensible to plan for the worst and avoid areas known to be higher risk of flooding.
  • Expect lots of surface water across local roads today.
  • Remember to sign-up to the one.network map, a reliable source of information about all UK traffic disruption.
  • You can also sign up to receive Environment Agency flood warnings here (for free): Sign up for flood warnings - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  • Always avoid parking in areas more prone to flooding.
  • Never drive or walk into floodwater, even if it appears shallow. And please do not ignore ‘Road Closed’ signs
  • If your vehicle becomes submerged or inaccessible you should speak with your manager who may be able to access 4x4 support as a last resort. Please also read this guidance from the RAC: "Don't turn on the engine until you know the extent of the damage. In some cases, the water may have caused damage to the engine and electronics, so avoid making the situation worse."
  • Any issues on the roads, such as trees down or flooding can be reported to the county council online: Report a road fault or ask about a road issue - Derbyshire County Council.
  • Look out for vulnerable neighbours, especially if they have care services who may not be able to reach them.
  • For the latest information follow your councils, NHS and emergency services on social media, listen to local radio and visit Derbyshire’s regular flooding updates on this website: www.derbyshire.gov.uk/floodingupdate.

Here are some further helpful tips from the Met Office:

Please take care everyone.