1st August 2022

Security alert: staff reminder catalytic converter thefts

Following on from a few recent incidents, where suspicious vehicles have been targeting car parks in North Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire where catalytic converter thefts have occurred. Staff are reminded to be extra vigilant in the wake of the recent events.

Local Security Management Specialists (LSMS) has also received information from Derbyshire LSMS Group and the Derbyshire Police regarding the theft of catalytic converters.  The criminals jack up the car and angle grind the cat off taking around three minutes.  Incidents have been reported at Derbyshire Community Health Services, Royal Derby, Chesterfield Royal, Sherwood Forest Hospitals, Nottingham University Hospitals and un-barriered carparks in Chesterfield.   In the early days of this crime spate thieves were targeting Toyota cars however the thieves are no longer targeting specific types of cars. We have been working with the police and we know this is a problem across all car parks not just Trust car parks in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

Criminals are ripping out the anti-pollution devices from cars and vans because they contain increasingly precious and sought-after metals such as platinum and palladium - leaving motorists with repair bills of thousands of pounds.

Security advice for staff

Park in designated parking areas and lock all property in the boot of your vehicle out of sight. Motorists are also advised to keep their cars in garages or park in well-lit areas. Most converters are bolted on - but they can also be welded. 

Should you witness an incident

Often a simple “can I help you?” will deter would-be criminals. Never approach someone if you feel your safety may be compromised, but do let someone know.  Never just ignore your suspicions.

If urgent report to the Police on 999 or 101 if non urgent.

Please inform the LSMS of your suspicions and complete a datix incident which enables monitoring.

Thank you.