Reminder: coming soon to NHSmail – NHS Care Identity (Smartcard) Sign In
Dear NHSmail users,
We would like to remind you about a new feature coming soon to NHSmail.
From mid-November 2022 all users will see a change to the NHSmail Portal sign in page, with the NHS Care Identity (Smartcard) sign in option available, as shown below. This new feature will provide a convenient alternative way to sign in to the NHSmail Portal and Office 365 applications accessed online via a web browser.
What does this mean to me?
If you do not have an NHS Care Identity (Smartcard), you will still be able to login via your NHSmail credentials and you don’t need to take any action.
If you have an NHS Care Identity (Smartcard) and have not already pre-registered, we encourage you to do this by following the user guide and video and clicking the link below. This will mean you will be ready to use your NHS Care Identity (Smartcard) to login to the NHSmail Portal, and Office 365 applications accessed online via a web browser, once the sign in feature is available in mid-November.