28th September 2023

People Promise In Action week to support delivery of the Long Term Workforce Plan

Monday 9 October – Friday 13 October 2023

People Promise In Action week is an opportunity to engage in a week-long series of events to hear about the tangible impacts from those who have been implementing and breathing life into the People Promise.

The People Promise sets out in the words of thousands of staff what will most improve their experience at work and make the NHS the workplace we all want it to be. The week will include sessions mapped against each element of the People Promise and will demonstrate practical improvements across a range of staff experience and engagement metrics, including improved retention.

The week will provide an opportunity to learn from first-hand examples of where progress has been made to support NHS colleagues aligned to the People Promise and to understand what resources are available to deliver the ambitions in the People Promise.

The events are open to all colleagues who lead and line manage people, from board to ward, and colleagues with staff experience within their portfolios. 

The hope of People Promise in Action week is to support the retention of existing talent, winter preparedness as well as delivery of the Long Term Workforce Plan.

Monday 9 October: We are always learning

  • People Promise in action: Delivering the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan through the People Promise: 10.30am – 12pm: Book here.
  • Leadership and talent development: 2pm - 3.30pm: Book here

Tuesday 10 October: We each have a voice that counts

  • Supporting staff voice through Freedom to Speak Up: 10am - 11am: Book here.
  • Employee engagement: Learning from Imperial College: 12pm - 1pm: Book here.
  • Enabling and maximising employee voice through continuous listening: 1.30pm - 2.30pm: Book here.
  • Taking action to improve employee experience in line with the People Promise: 2.45pm - 3.30pm: Book here.

Wednesday 11 October: We are compassionate and inclusive

  • Retain: Delivering the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan across the system: 10am - 11.30am: Book here.
  • Supporting internationally recruited staff: 1pm - 1.45pm: Book here.
  • The what, the so what, the now what: Nottingham’s journey to improvement: 2pm - 2.30pm: Book here.
  • Creating a compassionate and inclusive culture: 2.45pm - 3.45pm: Book here.
  • Promoting a civil and respectful culture: 4pm - 4.45pm: Book here.

Thursday 12 October: We work flexibly and We are recognised and rewarded

  • Recognition and reward and flexible working: Learning from Bradford Teaching Hospitals: 10am - 10.40am: Book here.
  • Flexible working: 1. At system level 2. Making it work in Primary Care: 10.45am - 11.25am: Book here.
  • ‘Let’s Talk about Flex’: Learning from Lancashire and South Cumbria: 11.30am - 1.30pm: Book here.
  • Recognition and reward in action: Learning from West Hertfordshire: 1.35pm - 2pm: Book here.
  • Supporting staff to understand the NHS Pension Scheme – Isio Pension Management: 2.15pm - 3.30pm: Book here.

Friday 13 October: We are a team and We are safe and healthy

  • Supporting your team through embedding health and wellbeing conversations: 10am - 10.45am: Book here.
  • Creating a culture of wellbeing through the introduction of health and wellbeing champions: 11am - 11.45am: Book here.
  • Creating a supportive team environment for new joiners through mentoring: 12pm - 12.45pm: Book here.
  • Reflections and learnings from the People Promise in action week: 2pm - 3.30pm: Book here.