23rd March 2023

New dates for Health Literacy Awareness Training & Health Literate Organisation workshops and QC training dates

Did you know?

6 out of 10 people in Derbyshire have low health literacy. This means that they will struggle to understand basic health information.

Let’s address the barriers

Health Education England have released 3 new training dates for Health Literacy Awareness Training:

Health Literacy Awareness Training

Booking link

Thursday 27th April , 1 pm to 3 pm

Book here

Tuesday 20th June, 9 am to 11 am

Book here

Wednesday 6th Sept, 9 am to 11 am

Book here

What will you learn?

  • What health literacy is and why it’s important.
  • What it might mean to have low levels of health literacy.
  • What other health and care practitioners have done in practice, and think about what you could do.
  • Where to go for further information about health literacy.

Interested in learning how to implement Health Literacy in your service?

Check out the Health Literate Organisation workshops:

Health Literate Organisation Workshop

Booking link

Tuesday 9th May, 9am to 12pm

Book here

Thursday 6th July, 9am to 12pm

Book here

Tuesday 26th Sept, 9am to 12pm

Book here