The DCHS Admin People’s Charter
The DCHS Admin People’s Charter has been created in collaboration with administration colleagues to champion the role of admin staff within our organisation. The charter has been written in line with the People Promise principles and was inspired by the “UNISON Admin Charter for Change – One Team” document. Admin colleagues have been involved and consulted at the DCHS Admin Forum, and also via an online survey. The Trust Board signed up to the DCHS Admin People’s Charter at the October 2024 public board meeting and were happy to endorse such an important initiative to help involve and recognise our admin staff group and the important work that they do.

The purpose of the charter is to outline a number of pledges that DCHS will commit to, and likewise, the commitment of our admin colleagues to the Trust. It’s estimated that around 600+ DCHS staff classify themselves as admin. You can read more here.
Hazel Lea has been leading this work as part of her role as a DCHS staff governor for non-clinical staff. Hazel said “admin recognition and engagement is an area that I feel passionately about, having come from an admin background myself, working in admin roles for around the first 10 years of my 30 year NHS career. At the end of 2023 I launched the first admin staff survey, and from this, I launched the Admin Forum in February 2024 which meets every 2-3 months and, so far, has seen between 50-100 attendees at each of the forums, with around 175 members (and rising) in the MS Teams group.”