23rd August 2022

Ride for their lives 2022 is a cycling and discussion event aimed at healthcare providers to raise awareness about the effects of climate change on children’s health.

We are proud to announce that DCHS will be participating in a Derbyshire wide event alongside our ICS partners on Thursday 6th October.

We are looking for 3-7 DCHS colleagues who are passionate about Climate Change and using your role in healthcare to influence the development of sustainable healthcare services and healthy communities.

You don’t have to be an experienced cyclist to get involved - we’ll take account of your abilities on a bike when planning the cycle route. The main thing is you feel passionate about working with others to tackle climate change and can discuss how climate change impacts the care we provide to our communities.

We welcome anyone to take part for the day (with permission from your line manager) but are particularly keen to hear from teams which represent Children’s Services as Ride for their Lives is aimed at highlighting the impact of climate change on children’s health.

Other rides are happening across the UK, and campaigning material produced from the event will be taken to the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 meeting in Egypt on 7-14th November.

This is a really wonderful opportunity to come together to call for action, raise awareness and make connections with like-minded colleagues across the ICS for a very important cause.

You can read more about the Ride for their Lives Campaign here or watch this promotional video below.